Monday, March 25, 2013

Colorado Shootings. True Or Fake?

Hey guys! 5th Blog of the day!

The bullets that killed Colorado prison chief Tom Clements came from the gun found with a former inmate who died in a shootout with Texas police two days later, investigators confirmed Monday.
The news came as Colorado held a public memorial service for Clements, the executive director of the state Department of Corrections. The El Paso, Texas, County Sheriff’s Department said it was still trying to determine whether the suspect in Clements’ slaying, Evan Ebel, acted alone or what his motive may have been.

“Tom Clements was a remarkable person,” Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper N "He oversaw all of the coldest, darkest of worlds with the warmest and, you know, and most tender of hearts.”

Clements was shot to death Tuesday night at his home outside Colorado Springs. Ebel was killed Thursday in northern Texas after a gun battle with authorities that left a sheriff’s deputy wounded.
The 28-year-old was a former white supremacist gang member and the son of a longtime friend of Hickenlooper. The governor said Clements’ death was “incomprehensible, but I don’t think it is part of a larger conspiracy.
Police also said there is a “strong connection” between the killings of Clements and the killing of Nathan Collin Leon, a Denver pizza delivery driver who was found dead in suburban Golden.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley

Welcome To My Blog!

Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley of Maryland will unleash a blistering critique of his Republican counterpart in South Carolina, Nikki Haley, in remarks to a Democratic party conference in Charleston on Saturday.
O'Malley plans to attack Haley, who is up for re-election next year, as "tea party Republican" who cares more about voter ID laws than expanding health care access and education for South Carolinians, 

"Spare me your ideology," O'Malley will say. "Show me how your choices are working for all of us, and for all of our families. Now, some of these new tea party Republican governors are funny in this regard, aren't they? They run on a platform claiming government isn't working. Then when they're in office, their own failure to do the job proves their point."
"Your current Governor - bless her heart - is a case in point," he is to say, mischievously deploying that sweetly-delivered southern putdown.
In his speech to the South Carolina Democratic Issues Conference, O'Malley will spotlight the state's 8.7% unemployment rate; South Carolina's underwhelming high school graduation rate; Haley's refusal to accept federal money to expand Medicaid; and last year's spectacular data breach at the South Carolina Department of Revenue that left millions vulnerable to identity theft.
"How's that all working for South Carolina?," he will ask. "Facts are facts. At 8.7%, South Carolina has one of America's highest rates of unemployment. And the Tea Party still isn't hiring."
If O'Malley's speech is any indicator, Haley is certain to become a punching bag for ambitious Democrats traipsing through the state over the next few years trying to charm the party faithful. The Maryland governor is thought to have designs on the White House, and South Carolina's primary is traditionally a pivotal contest in the presidential nomination fight.
Asked about O'Malley's salvo, Haley adviser Tim Pearson said the state's unemployment rate has dropped two points since Haley took office in 2010, while it went up three points in Maryland since O'Malley took office in 2006 (though that period includes the national economic downturn that hit in 2008).
"He should go back to Maryland where he quite successfully legalized gambling, gay marriage, the end of the death penalty, and hiked taxes on everyone and everything he could think of," Pearson said of O'Malley. "And you can quote me on the record with all of that."
The pragmatism-vs.-ideology theme is one of O'Malley's favorites, and it's likely to be a centerpiece of his message if he decides to seek the presidency in 2016.
On Saturday, he plans to mention Maryland's high median income; state investments in roads, schools and clean water; and Maryland's public school system, which has been ranked number one in the nation for five straight years by Education Week.
"You and I, South Carolina and Maryland, stand at the threshold of a new era of American progress," he will say.
While O'Malley is little known outside of his own state, political insiders in Annapolis and Washington assume that the telegenic and well-connected governor is already taking steps to seek the Democratic nomination in a few year's time.
Officially, O'Malley is speaking Saturday in his capacity as finance chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, which is expected to help fund state Sen. Vincent Sheehen's re-match against Haley in next year's governor's race.
But his speech to a conference organized by the South Carolina Democratic Party will be an early indicator of his rapport with some of the state's most influential activists.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dogs. Loveable Creatures

I have a dog named Mike at home. He's sweet and caring and always looks at for me. I remeber the day I was crossing the street with Mike and car came speeding at me. I was listening  to some music so I didnt hear the car. Mike Risked His Life And Bumped me out of the Car's way. I was saved but sadly not Mike. Mike Broke his 2 back legs but he's recovering! Dogs will always care for you if you love them , like Mike.


Stay Tuned For More Blogs!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rike commits Sucide

Alright 2nd Blog of the day ,

Sucides In The Subway.

Kids are getting bullied every single day because of thier skin color , race , or anything else! The most recent suscide is by Rike Monot who jumped in front of a Northbound No.M train at Court Square. Friends say he was caring , loving but got bullied alot because of his wealth. The bullies would say "Bitc*" and stuff like that. His 2 year old sister now does not have a big brother to play with. Rike Monot May you rest in peace! His family are currently holiding chargres against the bullies. (E) and (M) Trains are currently running local between 47-50 St in Manhattan and Forest Hills in Brooklyn.

Bullying needs to stop or we will lose more kids.

Stay tuned for my next blog!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hey Guys Max Here! I know this is my first blog but just to warn you this a blog mixed with MTA Subway And Life Stuff. You can request signs from me and so on! So First Topic of the day-

(T) 2 Ave Local. True Or Fake?

They say that the Fictional But Soon To Become Real (T) Train will have many riders and cut down service on the (4) And (5) Lines ,  But is it just fake? The (T) Train Will Benefit more riders but will cause mass confusion between the (T)(Q) And (4)(5) Trains in the Bronx. Well I want to hear what you think! Post a comment saying if you think the (T) is a hoax or real. I want to hear you!

Well time for me to go to bed now.
As always your beloved friend-